Mansour, Ajami

Mansour, Ajami Pouring Water on Time: A Bilingual Topical Anthology of Classical Arabic Poetry

Pouring Water on Time: A Bilingual Topical Anthology of Classical Arabic Poetry

with a foreword by Sadik J. Al-Azm

Mansour, Ajami

Gerlach Press
Language: English
1. Edition (2016)
Hardcover, 160 pages
HC ISBN 9783940924742
Availability: in print
95.00 € (excl. VAT)

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This bilingual anthology presents the best of Arabic classical poetry's musings over the many faceted states of the human condition, among them love, generosity, life, time, youth, beauty, ecstasy, longing, wine, death and plenty more. Mansour Ajami's selection of topical verses and poems is guided by what was deemed best in its genre by the consensus of the great classical Arab literary critics and theoreticians.

„For Mansour Ajami, Arabic poetry is that Midas touch which transmutes the most common-place words, the most mundane meanings and the most pedestrian images into the shimmering gold of the poetically soaring and sublime.“ (From the foreword by Sadik Al-Azm)