Tim Niblock, Talmiz Ahmad, Degang Sun (eds.)

Tim Niblock, Talmiz Ahmad, Degang Sun (eds.) The Gulf States, Asia and the Indian Ocean: Ensuring the Security of the Sea Lanes

The Gulf States, Asia and the Indian Ocean: Ensuring the Security of the Sea Lanes

Editors: Tim Niblock, Talmiz Ahmad, Degang Sun

Gerlach Press
Language: English
1. Edition (2018)
Hardcover, 194 pages
HC ISBN 9783959940580
Availability: in print
95.00 € (excl. VAT)

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Among the many strategic and economic issues facing the Gulf in the coming years, those relating to the Indian Ocean are set to be among the most challenging. In the re-ordering of global economic and political power which is currently underway, the Indian Ocean constitutes a key arena for regional and global competition and rivalry.
With the leading Asian powers playing a more pro-active role in the region, sometimes with conflicting ambitions, and the United States intent on maintaining its established maritime hegemony there, the potential dangers for the Gulf states are considerable. Gulf economic interests and perhaps regime stability would be severely affected by conflict.
This book contends that the Gulf states need to play an active part in the promotion of Indian Ocean stability and security, working with other Indian Ocean states to develop institutional structures and practices which encourage cooperation and provide avenues for conflict resolution. They have everything to gain from such a strategy.