Nikolay Kozhanov

Russia and the Syrian Conflict:
Moscow’s Domestic, Regional and Strategic Interests
Nikolay Kozhanov
Gerlach Press
Language: English
1. Edition (2016)
Hardcover, 144 pages
HC ISBN 9783940924728
Availability: in print
95.00 € (excl. VAT)
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This book is the first to offer a comprehensive survey of Moscow’s foreign policy interests in Syria. The author considers the Kremlin’s diplomacy on Syria within the broader system of Russian foreign policy in the Middle East; he analyses the influence of Russian domestic dimensions on Moscow’s approaches to the subject; and he considers how Moscow’s priorities in Syria have evolved during the last five years and what factors influenced this evolution.
Key factors considered include:
- Russian presence in the Middle East before and after the fall of the Soviet Union
- The challenge of the “Arab Spring”
- Why it was so important to save Assad?
- Russian military involvement in the Syrian conflict: what will be the outcome?
- Significance of Moscow’s military intervention in the wider Middle East context
Kozhanov’s analysis (...) offers an insider’s view on the Russian way of seeing and interpreting the Syrian crisis. The author combines in this political analysis a comprehensive and a historical research approach to offer an insight into the motives and drivers of Russia’s foreign policy towards Syria.“
(Asian Affairs, 2018, )