Mehmet Asutay, Abdullah Q. Turkistani (eds.)
![Mehmet Asutay, Abdullah Q. Turkistani (eds.) Islamic Finance: Political Economy, Values and Innovation](./coverpics/9783940924148.jpg)
Islamic Finance: Political Economy, Values and Innovation
Volume 1
Editors: Mehmet Asutay, Abdullah Q. Turkistani
Gerlach Press
Language: English
1. Edition (2016)
Hardcover, 332 pages
HC ISBN 9783940924148
Availability: in print
165.00 € (excl. VAT)
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eBook ISBN 9783940924155
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Islamic finance has had a transformational impact on markets well beyond the Muslim world. This development has been the outcome of various stakeholders and agencies interacting to develop a political economy based on Islamic values to generate religiously and culturally authentic financial institutions and instruments.
The studies presented in this volume discuss these interactions through specific examples from the GCC countries, supported by comparative perspctives, in order to articulate the development and consequences of Islamic finance.