Martin Hinds

Martin Hinds Studies in Early Islamic History

Studies in Early Islamic History

with an Introduction by G. R. Hawting

Martin Hinds

Edited by: Jere Bacharach, Lawrence I. Conrad, Patricia Crone

Gerlach Press
Language: English
1. Edition (2021)
Hardcover, xix, 262 pages
HC ISBN 9783959940962
Availability: in print
95.00 € (excl. VAT)

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Collection of all of Martin Hinds’ (1941–1988) full-length articles which appeared in journals as well as one of his articles for the Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd Edition. Most of the articles have to do with the early period of Islamic history, while two others deal with the early Abb sid caliphate.

The volume is especially important in light of the fact that all of the articles were revised by the editors based on Hinds’ own corrected copies:

1. Kufan Political Alignments and Their Background in the Mid-Seventh Century A.D
2. The Murder of the Caliph 'Uthman
3. The Siffin Arbitration Agreement
4 . The Banners and Battle Cries of the Arabs at Siffin (A.D. 657)
5. Sayf ibn 'Umar's Sources on Arabia
6. A Letter from the Governor of Egypt Concerning Egyptian-Nubian Relations in 141/758
7. Maghazi and Sira in Early Islamic Scholarship
8. The First Arab Conquests in Fars
9. Mihna
“Hinds’ articles are essential reading for any specialist in early Islamic history” (Michael Bates)