Mahshid Turner (ed.)

Mahshid Turner (ed.) Muslim Chaplaincy: Handbook and Voices of Muslim Women Chaplains in Higher Education

Muslim Chaplaincy: Handbook and Voices of Muslim Women Chaplains in Higher Education

With a Foreword by Sophie Gilliat-Ray

Editor: Mahshid Turner

Gerlach Press
Language: English
1. Edition (2025-01)
Hardcover, 260 pages
HC ISBN 9783959941709
Availability: not yet published
95.00 € (excl. VAT)

> Table of Contents for this book (pdf)

> Flyer for this book (pdf)

> Bibliographic Data: 🔗

Across North America and Europe, Muslim chaplains are increasingly taking up institutional chaplaincy appointments, especially in the health and education sectors. Slowly but surely, Muslim chaplaincy work is beginning to become a recognised career path, and an especially important one for Muslim women wishing to exercise a professional religious vocation. The volume of research associated with this growth is arguably resulting in a distinctive field of ‘Muslim Chaplaincy Studies’, to which this new volume makes an important contribution.

This practitioner-orientated volume offers a theological grounding for the role, alongside insights about the realities of working as a chaplain. The accounts and pastoral case-studies you will read in this book are honest, reflective, and full of wisdom.