Ranjit Gupta, Abubaker Bagader, Talmiz Ahmad, N. Janardhan (eds.)

A New Gulf Security Architecture:
Prospects and Challenges for an Asian Role
Editors: Ranjit Gupta, Abubaker Bagader, Talmiz Ahmad, N. Janardhan
Gerlach Press
Language: English
1. Edition (2014)
Hardcover, 291 pages
HC ISBN 9783940924360
Availability: in print
95.00 € (excl. VAT)
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This book explores how growing economic ties between Asian countries and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) could impact their future relationship. It postulates that the stage is now set for strategic partnerships and highlights how some Asian countries have been explicit about showcasing their power and influence in the Gulf region.
While exploring an alternative and broad-based security architecture, it identifies the challenges that any probable Asian cooperative approach could face as the countries of the Arabian Gulf show signs of looking beyond the United States to develop their long-term strategic interests.