Colin Turner (ed.)

Divine Revelation and Communication
Contemporary Muslim Theological Approaches
Editor: Colin Turner
Gerlach Press
Language: English
1. Edition (2025-05)
Hardcover, c. 330 pages
HC ISBN 9783959941907
Availability: not yet published
125.00 € (excl. VAT)
> Table of Contents for this book (pdf)
This book comprises three broadly thematic Sections:
- the first on the notion of communication and revelation;
- the second on angels as vehicles for revelation;
- and the third on the revelatory nature of prophethood.
It concentrates on aspects of Divine communication and revelation that have not been explored as much – or, indeed, in some cases, at all. Furthermore, this is a study of Divine communication and revelation from an exclusively Muslim perspective. Furthermore, while references to the concept of revelation in Christianity and Judaism have been made, none of the chapters present is given over solely to a comparative study. This is because we felt it imperative to address the subject of the dearth of material on revelation in Islam before we embark on comparative analyses. Also, it is our intention in a future project to look at revelation comparatively, particularly from the perspective of prophethood and chaplaincy.
Contributors include Bilal Ansari , Ali-Reza Bhojani, Safaruk Z. Chowdhury, Ismail Hacinebioglu, Seyfeddin Kara, Mehmet Ozalp, Feryal Salem, Mahshid Turner, Jamie Turner, and Farhan Zaidi.