Carool Kersten (ed.)

The Fatwa as an Islamic Legal Instrument: Concept, Historical Role, Contemporary Relevance
Set, Volumes 1-3
Editor: Carool Kersten
Gerlach Press
Language: English
1. Edition (2018)
Hardcover, 1006 pages
HC ISBN 9783959940207
Availability: in print
550.00 € (excl. VAT)
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One of the most misunderstood aspects of Islamic legal practice and thought is the role and position of fatwas or legal opinions.
This three-volume reference work offers a comprehensive overview of and detailed insights into
- the concept of the fatwa as a vehicle of legal opinion-making in Islam
- its historical role in different parts of the Muslim world
- and contemporary debates reflecting both the fatwa's enduring relevance and its ongoing contestation among Muslims today.