Annika Kropf
Oil Export Economies: New Comparative Perspectives on the Arab Gulf States.
with a foreword by Giacomo Luciani
Annika Kropf
Gerlach Press
Language: English
1. Edition (2016)
Hardcover, 252 pages
HC ISBN 9783940924582
Availability: in print
125.00 € (excl. VAT)
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Despite their commonalities, the Arab Gulf States have started economic diversification from different settings and against different political backgrounds. This book applies a multi-method approach including Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to highlight their heterogeneous economic development trajectories and to compare them to other major oil exporters. From a political economy perspective, it demonstrates how neoclassical economic theory fails to grasp the underlying mechanisms of their development. The research design of this study is tailored to small and medium-sized samples with special characteristics. As such, it offers new opportunities for comparative studies not only of this region but also of other specific samples of countries from a wider perspective of heterodox economics.
„Annika Kropf ’s book on the Arab Gulf States’ Oil Export Economies sees the light at a crucial time in the economic history and development trajectory of the six GCC countries.“
(From the Foreword by Giacomo Luciani